From the exciting experience of the DIY microgreens growing kit, this kit is ideal for adults and children alike and is the ideal eco-friendly product that makes life simpler and better. This kit includes a microgreens growing kit of a pack of 2 - 2 jute trays, 2 seed packs, 2 soil cakes, sprayer and cutter, a upcycled coconut bowl, along with a bamboo cutlery set. Carefully curated, tested, and approved, in this Clan Earthbox you will find:
From the exciting experience of the DIY microgreens growing kit, this kit is ideal for adults and children alike and is the ideal eco-friendly product that makes life simpler and better. This kit includes a microgreens growing kit of a pack of 2 - 2 jute trays, 2 seed packs, 2 soil cakes, sprayer and cutter, a upcycled coconut bowl, along with a bamboo cutlery set. Carefully curated, tested, and approved, in this Clan Earthbox you will find: