These adorable crochet felt buntings, make for a delightful and unique decorative adornment for your kid's room. Each bunting is lovingly handmade by our women artisans and will add a burst of colour to your child's bedroom, playroom, study or nursery. We got stars, clouds, cars, circles, hearts and classic triangles too. Pick whichever is your child's favourite design or goes with the room's theme. Apart from being a great gifting option for newborns, they can spruce up any celebration like a baby shower, birthday etc.
Each garland bunting is made with no less than 9 pastel felt triangles with tassels.
These adorable crochet felt buntings, make for a delightful and unique decorative adornment for your kid's room. Each bunting is lovingly handmade by our women artisans and will add a burst of colour to your child's bedroom, playroom, study or nursery. We got stars, clouds, cars, circles, hearts and classic triangles too. Pick whichever is your child's favourite design or goes with the room's theme. Apart from being a great gifting option for newborns, they can spruce up any celebration like a baby shower, birthday etc.
Each garland bunting is made with no less than 9 pastel felt triangles with tassels.