Recycles resources

Their vision is to be a company that enables ecologically conscious choices at economical prices. They are mindful of the slow commerce involved in transforming pine needles into products. Vasshin is an environmental engineering company that is committed to creating a community of people dedicated to living sustainable life. They manufacture a range of bio-based as well as biodegradable products that help reduce the use of plastic.

They work with small tribal or rural groups that act as fire watchers in forest ranges. These communities are paid above baseline wages by Vasshin. They are also empowered via alternate channels including up and cross-skilling. They employ 140 seasonal members that form sub-sub-station’s in higher altitude climbing to recover pine needle deposits they spot while moving around in the forest.

The genesis of these antimicrobial products comes from the Himalayas where the robust tree species, Pinus Roxburghii are found. These trees shed their pine needles which prevent any undergrowth thereby choking off other flora prospects. They collect these pine needles via their tribal-rural empowerment program and process them to create sustainable product choices for everyday use. Every 3-4 years, the dry accumulation of these pine needles burst into flames. Not only are animal communities displaced but massive emissions are generated as well. The process of capturing these pine needles in the products indirectly impacts varied ecosystems and helps keep them healthy.