flourish.shop Kullvi Whims

Kullvi Whims

Kullvi Whims Flourish

Kullvi Whims

Ensures fair living wage for producers
Discloses the community being impacted
Reduces the environmental impact
Focusses on women producers
Created using handcrafted methods
Recycles resources
Made out of responsible materials
Avoids use of chemicals or toxic materials
Uses portion of proceeds to give back to the community
Kullvi Whims is a social enterprise based in Naggar, a village in Kullu Valley in Himachal Pradesh, India. With a focus on indigenous Himalayan wool, they work with traditional artisans in Kullu Valley, through craft, heritage, and fibers that have been integral to these artisans for generations. Kulvi Whims strives to incorporate their abundant landscape into every step of their value chain. They source wool from nomadic shepherds who traverse the Himalayan ranges and engage in natural dyeing with local flora, spinning the yarn, knitting, and weaving, from fleece to fabric.




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