flourish.shop SochGreen
SochGreen Flourish


Reduces the environmental impact
Recycles resources
Made out of responsible materials
Avoids use of chemicals or toxic materials
Biodegradable or environment friendly
Since 2017, SochGreen has emerged as a trailblazer in sustainable menstrual solutions, championing environmental protection with its innovative range of reusable period products. From Menstrual Cups to Period Panties and Labia Pads, SochGreen prioritizes comfort, effectiveness, and eco-friendliness in every creation. With a global footprint, the brand exports its high-quality offerings worldwide, ensuring accessibility and affordability through partnerships with NGOs and women-led organizations. Not merely a commercial endeavor, SochGreen is dedicated to advocacy and education, engaging in impactful initiatives in schools and colleges to promote greener, healthier period practices. With a steadfast commitment to sustainability and empowerment, SochGreen continues to redefine the period experience for women everywhere.


